Wednesday, December 8, 2010

An Assortment of Events and Observations

Unlike the last few posts, this one isn't going to have cohesive theme or a well-told story. It's simply a collection of stuff that I've been saving up until now.
Isn't this gorgeous? I don't know how anyone can hate snow!
Lovely :)

Local folks lined up at the thrift store. I really wasn't kidding! 

Like every ski hill thrift stone, this one has a corner of crutches. If you have relatives visiting you for a ski trip, you should probably make this bin your first stop.

The sexy fire of our basement wood stove.

Bagels. My latest baking adventure. It was challenge to find a recipe that didn't demand the use of a food processor or standing mixer. You would think bagels didn't exist before the invention of either of those culinary machines! I don't have a Kitchenaid standing mixer yet, which is mostly because I can't decided on a colour, and partially because they're $300-$500. If you, dear reader, are feeling generous this holiday season you should know that I'm leaning towards orange.

We left the house for beer night at 9pm, when we came back around midnight, there were signs in the snowbanks warning of snow removal. We thought it best to wait until the morning (and sobriety) to move our cars. At 8am, we were being warned they would be towed. Rossland is serious about snow removal!

This picture doesn't look like much, but that's because it isn't anymore. This is the front street post-snow removal. Prior to this, we had to parallel park our way into two spots wedged between giant mounds of snow. Even the snow we had piled close to the road from shoveling the sidewalk was scraped off!

The first sunny day in Rossland (Dec 4) since we moved here on October 25!

The parking meters in Trail. I don't think the prices have been raised in 30 years. Twelve minutes for 10 cents! You can pay for parking just by digging under your couch cushions or peeking in the washing machine...

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