We've been living in Rossland for four weeks now, and the town continues to grow on me. It's been snowing for the past few days, and was actually enough snow to require a shovel! The familiar stomp-stomp-stomp of everyone banging the snow off their footwear is back, and I'm happily annoyed with the fact my socks are pulled off every time I take off my boots.
This sexy Jetta hasn't moved since it started snowing. I figure it's the next-best-thing to a snow gauge. |
Mmm...icicles... |
It's a little strange to be in a town where everyone loves the snow. I hear and read about my city friends dreading the snowfall, and here everyone remarks "5cm today! I hear there's a 64cm base on the mountain! Supposed to snow all week!"...everyone is just thrilled about it. It feels like we're all on the same team.
We met someone while out yesterday who is going to drive to a near by hill and hike to the top in order to ski down. That's how hardcore some of the locals are...willing to walk an hour uphill (with gear!) just to ski down it again.
First snow angel of the season! Why, yes! I am wearing a fabulous pair of insulated coveralls. They will surely make an appearance on the hill at least once this winter... |
Not bad! |
Here are some other Rossland observations:
Facial Hair: Facial hair (awesome moustache or full beard) is always in style. Even in October, hairy faces were abundant - and not just on the women! Beards are proudly displayed about town, but not in a pretentious hipster way...and never in a well trimmed/stylishly maintained way.
Dress Code: Along with abundant facial hair, Rossland has a distinctive retro-ski vibe dress code. Nordic sweaters (hopefully adorned with wildlife), toques with pompoms, thrift store jackets and classic Sorel's are part of the daily uniform. Plaid is always in style, and hopefully it's paired with a beard or 'stache. I'm looking forward to seeing what appears on the hill this winter!
Social Clubs: The thrift store continues to be a main event on Wednesdays and Fridays. People are still eagerly lining up...only now while they wait, they're kicking their feet against posts to get snow off their boots. Last week I overheard someone remark that it's more than a thrift store - it's a social club. Even if he doesn't need anything, he still comes buy just to run into everyone he knows. Going to the grocery store at 4 or 5pm has the same effect. Of the few people that we do know in town, we run into them constantly. Some people hate this about small towns, but for now I'm really enjoying it.